I Tamed a Tyrant and Ran Away

Chapter 33

Charlize’s birthday was the anniversary of the Grand Duchess’s death.

“Are you going to call me a murderer?”

Charlize said as if she suddenly remembered.

“Now that the application for expulsion had been made, it seems that there is no blood relation between the young master and me. The crime of contempt is validated.”

A casual remark to say if he wants to stand in the imperial court.

Dante, who was quick to notice, realized that Akan’s words were misleading stepped forward.

“It’s nothing, but… We just want to celebrate your birthday at the same time.”

It wasn’t what Charlize wanted to hear. If they said they decided to sign and seal the expulsion application, she will hear it.

Charlize tried to pass by with an indifferent face. But Akan came closer.

“For you. I’ve prepared a gift.”

Dante couldn’t hide his tension and trembling, adding words.

“That’s right. The two of your brothers had prepared gifts for you.”

Charlize was more interested in Dante’s words than Akan’s. That was why she looked indifferent at first.

Akan had a blunt personality, resembling the Grand Duke. He had never expressed his affection to his companion, who decided to grow old together forever.

The same was true of warm and kind behavior as giving gifts. Because Akan thought such kindness was useless.

“It’s a Blackshaw flower.”

Akan handed over the bouquet first.

Akan, who handed flowers to Charlize, wanted her to know about his change.

As Charlize stood in the distance without receiving the gift, Akan strode and forced it into her hand.

“It’s a gift, so take it when someone gives it to you.”

He said it with such a dry tone. Akan was proud. The Blackshaw flower was an expensive flower that ordinary people would not be able to see.

A fancy black appearance resembling a rose. It was characterized by its soft glow from time to time as if it was sprinkled with diamonds.

But Charlize’s expression wasn’t good. She had no choice but to do so. Because it was the only flower that caused an allergic reaction when she inhaled the pollen.

“Are you trying to kill me?”

Charlize barely managed to say one word and coughed. Cough cough, a lot of blood spat out.

Akan and Dante, who were watching, were hardened.

“How come…”

Dante was confused and approached Charlize. He can see that Charlize’s skin is pale even in the dark night.

Charlize wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She threw away the bouquet.

“Are you all right!”

Charlize had a headache. It was a familiar reaction. When she was very young, she remembers falling down.

She was half dead and alive. An unforgettable flower. For Charlize alone, it was deadly to the point where it was close to extreme poison.

Charlize murmured.

“What the hell, what is this!”

“Don’t yell…”

Dante had a look of dismay. Judging from the reaction of Charlize, it was clear that the flower was the cause.

Akan was hardened by shock and couldn’t say anything. He wanted to see his sister’s happy face, but he couldn’t imagine her face in pain.

Dante approached to help her, but Charlize’s voice became cold.

“Don’t touch me.”

Dante flinched.

Charlize saw the gift prepared by Dante. Things she doesn’t need at all.

“Leave me alone.”

This Charlize, who always used honorifics for the young masters to keep the distance. This time, she spoke informally.

It wasn’t a reduction in distance. It was a cold warning.

Akan couldn’t even say he was sorry, and he stepped aside awkwardly.

Charlize walked fine. But she didn’t have much calm. Let’s come back to the party again. Immediately, Dylan and her gaze were entangled.



Charlize was Saint. If she tried to hold her consciousness by force. She would have been able to use her mana to remove the poisonous pollen from inside her body.

But now. Charlize trusted Dylan. In front of him. She’d be safe to fall down.


Shouted Dylan.

The front of Charlize’s eyes turned white.

Dylan ran to Charlize. He was faster than Akan and Dante. The nobles at the party were all surprised. Why Charlize all of a sudden?

“What’s all this fuss about?”

“Grandmaster suddenly…”

“I was wondering if she wasn’t in a good condition because His Highness helped the Grandmaster a while ago.”

Before she knew it, Dylan’s hug of Charlize’s waist was helpful.

Dylan hugged Charlize, who fell asleep and touched her forehead first. His medical skills were better than most imperial doctors.

‘This is.’

It’s an allergic reaction.

‘Blackshaw flower.’

It is not a flower that often causes allergies, but it was also a flower that could cause allergic mana reflux and kill very few people.

The cold sweat on her forehead got on his palm. Dylan swept Charlize’s bangs up. He checked her pulse by placing his finger behind her ear.

It’s slow. Drops of blood on the corner of her mouth. Pale white skin. Strangely hot body temperature.

He was sure.

“Your Highness the Crown Prince, Charlize…!”

“Be quiet.”

As Dante approached with a breathless breath, Dylan cut it coldly. It’s a cold look that Charlize has never seen before.

Everyone stopped. It was a moment, but it was a perfect rule.

“My master needs absolute rest now.”

Dylan’s eyes were very soft when they reached Charlize. Dylan hugged Charlize.

It was easy for Dylan to figure out the situation. The two young masters who tried to cling to Charlize. The context was read because there was a gift in Dante’s hand that he could not deliver.

Dylan had been madly reading the medical book because of the incurable disease of the 7th concubine.

‘She will never die. I know how to treat it.’

He tried to calm his anxiety and awakened his reason. The important thing now is.

Is to keep Charlize’s weakness from spreading under threat of assassination.


Dylan glanced at Akan and Dante in order to clean up the mess. Fortunately, Dante was quick to notice. Holding onto the daze Akan, he stepped back.

The Blackshaw flower was probably already cleaned up by Dylan’s knight attached to Charlize. He wasn’t worried about that.

“My Master had been overworked recently, and it seems that her physical strength had reached its limit.”

Dylan had a talent for telling lies like truth.

“I’m going to bring her back first, so all of you can enjoy the ball.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Some people answered back.

The nobles were convinced and bowed their heads. Akan seemed to have a lot to say, but Dylan wasn’t worth dealing with.

The Crown Prince quickly left the party with Charlize in his arms.

“I beg your pardon?”

Ronan’s doctor was madly surprised. Akan and Dante, who conveyed the situation, were hardened by the unusual reaction.

“No, Blackshaw.”

The doctor was so surprised that he even defied to them without knowing what he was doing.

“It’s not at a dangerous level, but her mana and the ingredients of the flower are an atrocious embodiment.”

No one paid attention to Charlize, but she was still a Lady.

The doctor was also required to do his duty, so he knew well about Charlize’s physical constitution.

Akan asked blankly.


“The lady is a sword trainer, so it’ll get bigger.”

The disconcerted doctor’s words quickened.

“It vomits blood and becomes poisonous by sticking to the mana blood vessels, and the sooner you learn the sword, the faster it spreads.”

In short, the better the ability, the sooner the person dies.

“Why didn’t you tell me that?”

When Akan pushed the question, the doctor answered as if it were natural.

“Because he told me never to tell you…”

The Grand Duke that listening together came to his mind.

It was the order of the Grand Duke.

‘He didn’t even want to hear that this subject that killed my mother was sick.’

As a result, it was nothing but something that led to death.

Akan vaguely remembered the past. When she was very young, Charlize had a painful experience.

He didn’t even care. Was that because of the Blackshaw? Shocked, Akan’s words disappeared.

Dante, who remained rational, asked carefully.

“Will Charlize be all right?”

The doctor looked at him and answered.

“Well. There’s a possibility of living.”

It’s a hopeful tone, but it means she’s going to die eventually. Akan grabbed his doctor by the collar and tried to hold his breath, but he just clenched his fist.

‘I. Charlize.’

Akan’s fingertips trembled.

This regained him to the past when he was so indifferent to Charlize.

‘No, I sincerely intended to win this kid’s heart back.’

He didn’t mean to hurt her. He wanted to apologize. With sincerely. ‘But what do I do then?’

He completely ruined the moment when he tried to approach the hard-won opportunity.

The silence resembling death continued.

Dante didn’t have anything to say. Dante was also responsible for not being able to stop him because he didn’t know.

It turned out to be like this. The treatment that Charlize received was everyone’s responsibility.


The Grand Duke’s eyes hardened when he thought of the Grand Duchess. The Grand Duke was feeling pain.

Charlize’s mother was allergic to walnuts. Whenever she accidentally encountered a walnut, he remembered that she suffered a lot, so he was feeling pain.

Charlize goes beyond the level of getting sick or getting something on her skin. She was dying.

“…No. It can’t be.”

The Grand Duke muttered in denial.

“No way. No.”

She was dying? That kid?


The Grand Duke was surprised by his own thought and actively denied it. But the doctor remained silent. He didn’t come to comfort him, even if it was empty talk.

The Grand Duke became struck dumb in an instant.

There’s nothing Ronan can do. From the moment they received the application for expulsion. They could no longer claim to be Charlize’s family.

But now. The Grand Duke, Akan, and Dante all gone mad. What does it matter if the intention was good?

The important thing was that Charlize is now crossing life and death.

“…Grandmaster? Why?”

“I will do the nursing myself. Everyone back off.”

The Crown Prince coldly pushed away the maids who had approached in surprise.

Dylan entered Charlize’s bedroom alone. Just in case. Charlize’s symptoms had to be known only to him.

Because they know the past when the Crown Prince took care of the 7th concubine who was ill, and they know how much he values ​​the Grandmaster. So the maids withdrew without a doubt.


Dylan showed his original expression as soon as the bedroom door was closed and left only with Charlize. He pretended to be calm but.

Actually, his head was in a mess.

Charlize’s body was as hot as lava. If she left alone like this, her mana might flow backward and she will die.

Dylan laid Charlize on her bed and took her hand.


The only way to save a person who collapsed by the Blackshaw flower. That is.

‘Putting other people’s mana in and mixing it up completely.’

The mana spinning in Charlize’s body would already be killing her. So the mana of the newly entered other person had to grab it and suppress it.

It was delicate work, and it was also a work that caused excruciating pain to the caster.

But as soon as he was about to start, Dylan noticed one thing.

‘Her mana is moving.’

He got goosebumps.

With the intention of accepting the Blackshaw flower at all. Charlize was moving her mana while she was in a deep sleep.

A genius who moves very detailed with too much mana. Even Dylan, a genius, was surprised.

His eyes slowly grew bigger.

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