Pet King

Chapter 366: Reincarnated Dog

Chapter 366: Reincarnated Dog

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

They had almost walked to the end of the wax museum, but there was still no trace of the unknown elfin. Luckily, everyone seemed to have had fun today. Zhang Zian was wondering where to go later. Should he go to that Korean barbecue store for lunch, or go somewhere else and see if he would encounter the elfin?

Zhang Zian was absent-minded while moving forward. He saw Galaxy turn a corner a few seconds ago, and he and Old Time Tea followed it, while Fina and Snowy Lionet were behind them.

The first thing that caught his eye was Audrey Hepburn’s wax figure—Zhang Zian hadn’t seen her movies, but she was too famous to be mistaken for anyone else. And Galaxy was squatting next to the wax figure.

“Galaxy, what are you doing?” he asked curiously.

Galaxy raised a forepaw, like it was greeting someone. But there was nothing in front of it.

It turned back and said happily, “Meow, Galaxy is inviting this elfin to play hide-and-seek with me!”

Zhang Zian froze for a moment, and then quickly pulled out his cell phone from his pocket. He was so excited that he almost threw his phone!

He raised his cell phone and looked through the game’s capturing interface. In front of Galaxy, a dog was lying on the ground listlessly. It was an elfin only visible via the game.

At the same time, a hint popped from the game.

[Game Tip]: Target Confirmed: Reincarnated Dog.

Reincarnated dog?

Zhang Zian frowned. What a weird name.

That was a fully grown German Shepherd. Its physique was well-proportioned and of medium size, its teeth were neat and white, and its hair was supple and shiny. Apparently, it was a very healthy dog. Contrary to its fitness, its black eyes were dull, as if it had experienced some terrible things.

As it turned out, the elfin was in the wax museum! It was Zhang Zian’s sheer luck to find it!

But what was wrong with it? It was feeble, and its muscles spasmed from time to time, as if it had just finished running marathon or was recovering from a serious illness…

Zhang Zian was a bit hesitant. The Reincarnated Dog seemed unguarded and easy to be captured… but could it really be that easy? It took him a long time to successfully capture Fina, Old Time Tea and Richard.

“Wait a minute.” It lifted a front paw.

Told you it wouldn’t be that easy!

Zhang Zian asked cautiously, “What do you want?”

It took a lot of effort for it to stand up and look at Galaxy, “I want to say a few words to Galaxy.”

“What? You know Galaxy?” Zhang Zian was shocked, for its tone didn’t sound like it knew Galaxy.

He could have used this opportunity to press the “capture” button, but he would like to hear what it wanted to say to Galaxy.

It pondered for a moment and said, “I also want to know the answer to that question.”

Zhang Zian asked for Galaxy’s opinion, “Galaxy, this dog wants to speak with you. Are you okay with that?”

“Meow, yes!” Galaxy nodded.

“Please go ahead.” said Zhang Zian, who also gestured Old Time Tea with his eyes to be more alert, for the dog looked very strange.

It cleared its throat and said to Galaxy solemnly, “Galaxy, do you know me?”

Galaxy tilted its head, “Meow, I do!”

“When did you know me?” it asked urgently.

Galaxy replied in puzzlement, “Meow, Just now!”

The Reincarnated Dog was stunned. It lowered its head, thought for a moment, then asked, “You have never seen me before? Never heard my voice? Never sensed my smell?”

Galaxy nodded, “Meow. Galaxy meets you for the first time.”

The Reincarnated Dog suddenly threw Galaxy a very strange question, “Galaxy, have you been alone all the whole time in the black box?”

Galaxy’s expression changed, and it stepped back a little like it was scared.

“What exactly would you like to ask?” Zhang Zian was annoyed. He thought this dog might have malicious purposes. He looked at Old Time Tea, indicating that it should prepare to fight the dog at any moment.

It raised a forepaw to stop them from approaching, “Please forgive me, but this question is very important to me.”

Old Time Tea looked at Zhang Zian, as if asking him what to do.

Zhang Zian was struggling. This dog sounded serious, and hadn’t shown any intention to attack, but he didn’t want Galaxy to recollect the memories in the black box… What should he do? He was in a dilemma.

Galaxy gently nodded and whispered, “Only Galaxy.”

Hearing this, the Reincarnated Dog almost collapsed onto the ground, but its look seemed more relaxing.

“I see… I see…” It whispered to itself and suddenly chuckled, “Great! If all I had experienced was true, I would bang my head into a wall and kill myself. I would rather be dead than go back to that hellish black box…”

It was pretty sure that everything that it went through in the black box was not an illusion nor a dream. Those feelings were real, it vowed with its own nose. The light flavor of bitter almond was still lingering in its mind, and would probably haunt it for the rest of its life. It was hard for anyone to believe it, but within only a few seconds in the real world, it had spent countless days and nights with a kitten in a black box and had endured endless reincarnations…

Zhang Zian and Old Time Tea looked at each other. Was this dog a lunatic? What was the nonsense it murmured about?

Everyone knew that in the black box was Schr?dinger’s cat, but how could a dog run into that black box?

He thought carefully. He believed in Galaxy. If Galaxy said it had never met this dog, it must be telling the truth.

If the dog wasn’t lying either, and it had indeed met Galaxy in a black box… in one way or another, things should be very interesting.

The Reincarnated Dog seemed to have figured out something. It trotted towards Zhang Zian.

“Take me away,” it said unexpectedly.

It was so straightforward, making Zhang Zian feel somewhat guilty.

“What do you need me to do?” he asked.

It lowered its head and thought for a minute, “I have something that I want to figure out, but it’s none of your business.”

Zhang Zian shrugged, “Then why do you want to go with me?”

It looked up and gazed at him. “Because I saw a vague future. I can only find the answers to the things I want to know if I go with you.”

Zhang Zian went silent for a long time before he raised his cellphone and aimed at it.

“Then please come in here.”

“Go ahead,” it said.

Zhang Zian pressed the “capture” button. With a light clicking sound, the Reincarnated Dog disappeared.

[Navigation Elfin]: Congratulations, you got a new pet!

[Game Tip]: Captured! Reincarnated Dog!

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