Pet King

Chapter 1387: Dream Butterfly

Chapter 1387: Dream Butterfly

Famous sent the elfins to Zhang Zian’s dream, but he did not enter it—or he entered, but he did not appear in it physically.

Famous was invisible and floated in the sky above Binhai City, surrounded by butterflies and moths that covered the sky. It was like a stealth camera that could go high up into the sky or view the dream from a third-person perspective.

This was the first time it had successfully had a Qingming dream, and it was not its own dream. Everything around it was very novel.

It was shocked by the grandeur and perfection of the dream. If it had not known in advance that this was a dream, it might really have thought that this was the realm of God.

It wanted to fly—the higher the better. So it flew high up into the sky. Binhai City was rapidly shrinking at its feet, and even the infinite sea was not much different from a bathtub. The foamy waves were like the lace found on princess dresses.

It passed through the clouds, and the sky became a deep blue. The sun was particularly glaring, but the thin air up high did not affect its breathing.

The earth became a sphere.

It wanted to land, so it accelerated. The speed of its descent frightened it and even made it want to wake up from the dream.

No matter where it wanted to go, it could do so in the blink of an eye.

A normal dream was fragmented and incoherent, but this dream world had been built by the butterfly elfin. It was beyond imagination and accurately removed the existence of the elfins, winning Famous’ admiration for its work. It knew the difficulty in engineering such a world.

In contrast, its mind had not changed anything in the world. It had simply added its own existence.

This project had not been completed by the butterfly elfin alone—it was a dream that she had woven together with thousands of butterflies and moths. The butterflies and moths that had been born in the real city of Binhai but died because of Zhang Zian’s intervention all appeared in this dream world in their most beautiful forms.

Famous could feel their desire for survival, and the group wisdom of countless butterflies and moths seemed to be telling.

The feeling of a Qingming dream was so wonderful. No wonder many people tried to guide dreams. Even if they ruined real life and work in the process because things in real life were even more unpleasant, they would continue to do so, as they could do whatever they wanted in their dreams. Even if Famous was just trying to understand the Qingming dream, he could truly understand this feeling they had.

It wanted to experience more, but there was not enough time. It had to find Zhang Zian as soon as possible and try to wake him up.

Zhang Zian had clearly warned it against falling too deeply into a Qingming dream. The dream was often too good, and it would be easy to be disappointed with reality. However, now he himself...

Compared to anger, sadness, and remorse, Famous was more indignant about things as they stood. He thought that it was unfair. Life at the pet shop was so interesting and never boring. It did not believe or want to believe that Zhang Zian was desperate enough to fall into and stay in a dream because he was disappointed with reality.

When it thought about it, it appeared in the sky above the downtown area and found Zhang Zian and a woman who was glamorous and irresistible by human standards.

Galaxy was trying hard to catch butterflies in a little place farther off. It had worked very hard, but Famous could clearly see hundreds of millions of butterflies and moths hanging over the city of Binhai, being hatched in the form of light spots. Once they all hatched... Maybe no one would be able to stop the butterfly elfin. She would become the god of this world.

The world was too real. The butterfly elfins excluded the existence of other elfins and games, but they subtly preserved the power of faith. Only she had the power of faith. All the butterflies and moths that had died in the real world would be for her. A powerful arm controlling the world.

Therefore, Famous must wake Zhang Zian up as soon as possible. Otherwise, he would become...a skin sac, like a caterpillar, who would consume nutrients with his dreams. When he ran out of energy, he would become nothing but a dry, empty shell. From his dreams, he’d hatched a butterfly with unprecedented power.

What would this butterfly do next?

Zhang Zian was the pioneer of the fight against insects, but almost everyone in Binhai City was involved. Would she make all the citizens of Binhai City involuntarily fall asleep because of revenge?

When her strength was further enhanced, would people in the rest of the country and even the world fall asleep?

Almost everyone had a past that they couldn’t bear to let go of. There would always be a time when a person would be dissatisfied with reality. She could fully take advantage of this weakness in humanity and gain a lot from it.

Famous was not sure about her ultimate purpose. It didn’t have time to think about it now. It couldn’t manage that much. It just wanted to awaken Zhang Zian and cut off her source of strength. Maybe doing so would stop her.

Famous saw Zhang Zian and the butterfly elfin walking toward the cinema. He tried to use this rare opportunity to change the content of the poster and replace it with a poster that he had seen in the real world. Perhaps he could use this to stimulate Zhang Zian’s locked memories.

Then... It was too late to wait to see the effect, as it had to quickly evade the overwhelming light spots. They were like the early warning system of the dream world. Once an unexpected change occurred in a certain place, they swarmed toward it and tried to expel it from the dream.

Famous’ efforts were not in vain. Although Zhuang Xiaodie blocked the poster, if Zhang Zian was not suspicious at all by this time, then he really must be a fool.

“Famo...” he muttered. “Is it a Famosa? No, there should be another syllabus in the back. No one would give a dog a meaningless name like ‘Famo.’ That sounds like some random English word. Famo...”

Because of anger and despair, Zhuang Xiaodie was shaking all over. With such a large loophole, Zhang Zian, who was, by now, very skeptical, could no longer be at her mercy.

Zhang Zian circumvented her and walked to her side to see the poster behind her.

But unfortunately, in the small areas of the poster that he had not seen before, the text above had been blurred by the infiltration of water.

He looked up and saw a leak at the top of the poster.

A coincidence?

He tried to think. When he’d first seen the poster, it had seemed to be intact. Just as she had moved forward to block him, the top portion had coincidentally leaked water. This...

It should apply in this context that there had been a deliberate attempt to cover something up.

She bit her lower lip, stayed silent, and did not argue her point. Her face was full of unwillingness and humiliation. She knew that he was very clever and flexible in his thinking. The most important thing was that luck was on his side. Otherwise, it would’ve been impossible for him to collect so many strong elfins.

What would he do next?

She was as uneasy as a suspect on the stand.

“Let’s go. Since you don’t like it, then let’s not watch a movie. Let’s go somewhere else.”

To her surprise, he was not angry, not anxious, and not tearing his hair out painfully because some of his memories were masked. Instead, he offered her an invitation in a calm and peaceful manner.

She looked up, and he looked at her calmly. He also offered her his hand.

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