The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 331 The Secret Trial III

With shock, he had already fallen backward and had begun pointing towards me, his throat now croaky and dry from the immediate fear that had hit him, while not a single syllable left his mouth other than the uninterrupted letters he would barely sound.

"What are you doing! She is a human and is probably the reason why they are all running away! Clearly she is on our side!" One of the men slapped the back of the other man\'s head.

At the moment where I had flapped my wings and disappeared, I had taken out my mask while releasing a vibrant smile that would have captured the heart of any man or maybe even woman on this planet, or at least on Solaris which I had guessed this planet/ scenario had been made after.

"Wow... You\'re beautiful." A man subconsciously muttered, unable to move his eyes away from my face, yet my smile did not falter for even a second as I slowly turned my neck and looked him in the eyes with the same warmness I had shown the other man on the floor.

The man on the floor had already gathered back his shattered dignity as well as his composure, finally standing up straight and looking at me with an apologetic smile that had frozen the moment she saw the side of my face.

\'Angel!\' He thought to himself, yet even though it was but thought, it felt like I could read his thoughts from his facial expression alone.

"What brings you here ang- M-Miss..." The man asked, almost calling me \'Angel\' in the process, causing me to inwardly cringe.

Keeping my act up, I had chosen that the best course of action in this place and time was to ignore all their remarks or weirdness in our conversation, mostly acting only to make sure that my act is as effective as possible, or at least for the meantime.

I could feel their \'disgusting\' eyes ogling me from top to bottom, but I swallowed my saliva and answered "To save you" innocently.

One could call it hypocrisy but I called it a simple privilege someone as weak as them should not have.

"T-To save us?" The man asked, now more confused than ever

"I could feel your distress from hundreds of meters away so I came to see you. In the process, I had met a few beasts that tried to attack me, and when I retaliated I accidentally killed them scaring them off in the process." I replied with a guilty yet innocent scratch of the cheek while smiling slightly.

\'She\'s an angel!\' they all thought at the same time.

[They\'re stupid] Hela cackled out loud into my mind, causing me to wince slightly, but at the same time, I still did not show it to anyone since I didn\'t want to break my \'Angelic\' visage.

"Can you take me to your nearest village?" I asked one of the men in the group that seemed to be the calmest out of the group while also being the only married man amongst them.

"Sure Miss... What shall we call you?" The man asked nonchalantly, yet everyone looked at him as if he was the stupidest human being on the planet.

"Pandora." I replied, not thinking much of it since this world was simulated and did not matter in the grand scale of things. Even if I had used a different name, the only thing I would have gotten out of doing so would have been the hardship of reacting correctly to the name I had given to them, something I simply did not see as being worthwhile, especially when I seemed to have limited time to finish this trial in time.

"Pandora aye? Sounds like a nice name innit." One of the men with an outlandish accent started to speak.

Out of all the men, he was the least attractive of the bunch, having his teeth unaligned and unkept while also having the aura of a wimp despite his outgoing nature.

\'Weak...\' I could not help but think. It was as if I could see an old version of me within him. Weak, pathetic, and sometimes when you look at him, you ask yourself the question \'Why do they choose to keep living?.

Yet, while I seemed to have never found the answer, he might have done so.

"Thanks." I replied grudgingly with a small smile that had almost broken out into a mocking smile, yet I had kept it held back like every other time so far.

Without really skipping a beat, I and the others started walking in a particular direction which I could already map out the moment we had walked in it.

In the distance, around 5 miles away was a settlement of over 500 people ranging from children to old men and women.

I could see all their soul flames from into the forest, and even though I would have been considered too far away to see and differentiate between the soul flames, I could tell that there was one thing they all had in common.

[Their soul flames have too much energy in them. It\'s as if they are being constantly pumped with soul energy as if they are being kept in this state of rejuvenation where they cannot age or be killed no matter what] Hela explained.

\'That wouldn\'t make sense though... If they were in a constant state of rejuvenation, why are there those who have aged? Why does the village have those who are young? If they are given the same amount of energy as the rest of the people in the village, wouldn\'t they grow quite quickly into adults?\' I asked with a perplexed expression.

Everything in this world so far seemed to not have made any sense. It simply did not follow the rules of magic, the rules that every world should have followed.

[Don\'t think of this place as a world. Think of it more like a trial area and nothing is real. The temple must have not accounted for anyone with divine eyes and had just thought that you would see them just like other humans on an isolated planet that looks eerily similar to Solaris and even Earth. The energy is probably soo that they can function in this state of reality and without it, they would probably cease to exist.]

Hearing what Hela had to say, I could not help but simply nod without a response, something the others around me seemed to have picked up on as I could see them looking at me with questioning expressions.

Before any of them could ask, I simply stated that nothing was wrong with a warm and innocent smile, instantly making them look away and mind their own business while inwardly beating themselves for not asking quick enough.

Eventually, when we were around a mile away from the village I had finally seen something in the distance that could have been considered to be of significant importance compared to everything else I had seen so far.

This village that in reality looked like a city, while looking medieval, seemed to be much more technologically advanced than the cities of both Earth and Solaris if you were to look past a few cities like Tokyo or maybe even New York.

"Wow..." could not help but mutter, while Hela said the same thing inside my brain almost in sync as if she had never seen this kind of scene before even though I knew that she was far more intelligent than I was.

"What is it? Have you never seen a village like this before?" one of the men asked, causing me to shake my head smile wryly before answering-

"Sorry, I just hadn\'t seen the villages in a long time ever since I had gone into seculusion to imprpve my strength."

When I had replied, everyone else in the group had already looked at the man with anger flaring in their eyes like small ember flames, making me chuckle in the process.

"Should we go in?" I asked with a little bit of excitement being released through my voice, making the man who had initially answered my question laugh.

"First, we will have to make you an ID card and from the way you had shown up and how you reacted to seeing the village, I assume that you do not have one, right?" He asked, making me shyly nod in response while not saying anything else to make sure that I do not speak out of line or say anything that would expose my identity any further.

When we had finally gotten to the front gates, I walked up to one of the guards but was immediately held back by the man that slightly resembled the old me, the me that for the last 9 years of my current life, I had tried to leave behind.

To register you need to pay a fee of -

Without even thinking about it, I had gotten out of a bag of gold coins and asked "How much?"

With an agape expression, his friend simply said "1 S-Silver coin..."

"Oh? That\'s it?" I asked, causing the rest of them to nod with unexplainable expressions.

Going through the motions, I did and gave everything they wanted me to give before finally putting my hand on a mysterious stone.

After doing so, I finally saw something being created mid-air in front of my very eyes


[Name: Pandora -------]

[Classification: Mage]

[Age: 25]

[Rank: SSS]

[Affinity: ???]


If you liked this novel, check out my other novel!

Immortality System: The Rise Of The Last Human


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