My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 68

He walked a few more steps and the feeling was back. This feeling was strangely familiar and after a while as if someone was right next to his ear, Ashton heard a soft voice speak, “You there”? Startled he looked around while the voice continued in his head. “Man, you put up a lot of walls”.

‘What is happening’? Ashton panicked in the middle of the road as he tried to locate the source of the sound. “What do you mean? I am Caleb”. Caleb replied to his previous thought.

Ashton blinked at confusion until he recalled why this felt so familiar. Back when he was little he was capable of linking with his parents, but once they passed away he never linked with anyone else. He couldn’t do this even with his adopted family, and thus eventually almost forgot that linking was an option. Overwhelmed he asked, [How did you get inside my head?]

[Perks of mate bond, although somehow it was harder than usual for me]. Caleb replied with a faint chuckle. His voice sounded a bit different, which made sense cause Caleb spoke in a voice which he heard himself speaking. After all, the voice we hear is different from the voice everyone else does when we speak.

[Okay... Why are you linking me all of a sudden? You could have called] Ashton replied, annoyed with someone else’s presence in his head.

[I did, you didn’t respond] Caleb snapped back at him.


[I don’t have my phone with me. I would have called you back later] Ashton bickered further.

Caleb sighed in his mind before saying, [If that was an option do you think I would have tried this? I am not that fond of getting inside your head either!] Caleb uttered with frustration as he recalled his brother’s threatening words.

[You told your brother!!!] Ashton shouted at Caleb in his mind.

Meanwhile Caleb was perplexed by Ashton’s sudden deduction, [H..How..?]

[I... I think I saw it... in your head] Ashton mumbled, confused. Marking sure affected both of them way more than they expected. Such level of communication even between mates who have completed the mating process took time. But somehow, this came to them so early and pretty easily.

[I am sorry, he caught me and I couldn’t come up with anything else. Don’t worry, I will make sure he doesn’t do anything to you] Caleb voiced himself in a soothing manner.

[I am not worried about me you idiot!] Ashton sighed with frustration. [So, I have to meet you around 2? Where?] He questioned. If it was inevitable, it was better to be done and over with it.

[Let’s meet at Daily Delights. Its near my house anyways]

[Hmm] Ashton agreed before the link was disconnected. Ashton waited for a few minutes to be absolutely sure that it was just him in his head.


Ashton left his house as soon as he arrived from the store and ran towards the cafe. Today was his day off, and yet here he has to go to the place where he works. After arriving he breathed heavily while checking the time simultaneously. He was fifteen minutes late, which made him wonder whether or not he will be attacked.

He entered the cafe and started to look around for Caleb. Even if he caught a glimpse of his brother’s face, he didn’t actually know how he looked like. “What bring you here today, didn’t you take the day off”? Mrs Meyers who appeared next to him asked. Nodding, Ashton replied, “I am here as a customer today”. Mrs Meyers nodded at him before asking, “Should I show you a seat”?

“No need. I am meeting someone here actually”. The cafe was pretty much empty given how the schools were closed which is why it was not hard for him to look around. Thanks to his hearing he heard two people who were sitting by the window at the very back bickering, one of which was definitely Caleb. Assuming the guy facing the other way from his vantage point as Caleb he proceeded gradually.

The further he walked the clearer the conversation got. It went something like this, “No, this is clearly your fault! The man sitting opposite to Caleb shouted. “Yeah! That is my point”! Caleb retorted to his brother. Having no idea what they were talking about Ashton stood right next to their table, too close to not get unnoticed, and waited for whatever the argument they were having to end.

After two whole minutes Ashton finally gave up and cleared his throat. All he could deduce from the conversation was that Christian was refuting whatever Caleb was saying in regards to the Marking. At first Ashton thought they were valid points, until he realized they were just recycling the arguments to carry on. Ashton cleared his throat for the second time and a frustrated Christian snapped, “I will order when I am ready”!

Caleb who looked at Ashton along with his brother noticed “Are you crazy” written through his entire forehead. Caleb was about to burst into laughter when Ashton snapped, “I am not your waiter”!

Christian looked at him suspiciously, “Are you kidding me? I have seen you work here”! Ashton didn’t even respond to that and simply rolled his eyes. Caleb who had a very hard time controlling his giggles spoke up, “he actually does work here, but he is also the one we are supposed to meet”.

Christian narrowed his gaze at Ashton and shifted the same gaze at Caleb, and went back and forth quite a few times. “Him”? Christian asked, still unable to believe him, while Ashton stood there, offended as to why it was so unbelievable. Not that he was interested in Caleb, but he was confident that if he were to be his proper mate he will be good one.

“He is a kid”! Christian half exclaimed, half scolded Caleb.

“Of course he is, I told you he goes to my school”! Caleb retorted.

“I thought maybe.... Nevermind”. Christian dismissed his train of thoughts.

Meanwhile in the background Ashton mumbled, “These two indeed are siblings”, owing to the fact that both refer to him as a ‘kid’. If Christian and Caleb were similar, he might just be able to win over him after all.

“Sit down” Caleb invited him and scooched over to let him sit. Ashton was about to sit when Christian shouted, “Wait”! Ashton looked at Christian with an expressionless emotion with a tinge of confusion. “Sit next to me”. Christian ordered.

“And strain both of our necks? No thanks”. Ashton replied to him flatly and sat down. Christian stared at him, baffled by his attitude. ‘This is nice’? Christian mouthed these words to Caleb who just shrugged at his brother. “If I were you I would be careful with the attitude”. Christian said in a grave voice.

“Why”? Ashton asked bluntly, completely unbothered by Christian’s attempt to intimidate. “In case you want to change your first impression. So far I am not a fan” Christian declared.

“I don’t want you to be either” Ashton declared. “Besides, its clear no matter what I do, you won’t like me”.

“That’s a bold assumption, guess you are used to it then”? Christian snorted.

“Yes, that and I have two little sisters whom I am very...very protective off. I kinda have an idea how you must feel towards me” Ashton sighed. Christian was taken aback for a moment and he almost trusted him; key word Almost.

“That doesn’t make you any more trustworthy”, Christian declared.

“I never said it did”. Ashton blurted casually.

Frustrated with their interactions Caleb slammed the table hard before raising his voice, “Can you guys actually try to get along instead of bickering”!

“Why”? Both of them uttered at the same time before looking at each othed with much distaste.

Caleb sighed before saying, “For me”?

Christian sighed agreeing with him while Ashton was not convinced. “Why would I do it for you”? He asked.

Caleb glared at him before forcefully linking him, [DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHY I SET THIS UP?]

[Because you were caught? I do not want to be here, I am already doing this for you] Ashton retorted.

[Yeah well, neither do I. You don’t understand the severity of the situation do you? I am trying this so that my brother is convinced you are not a threat!]

[Why?] Ashton whispered in his mind. His expression changed from stern to warm.

[Because he is the only person I know in my pack who won’t judge you for being a pureblooded Alpha! Help me convince him that or if he tells my dad, trust me you are doomed and so is your family!] Caleb tried to explain. Ashton, finally looked at the situation beyond his frustration and felt a tinge of guilt for screwing this up.

“I am sorry, what do you want to know about me”? He asked.

“Let’s start with your lack of scent”. Christian smirked.

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