My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 92

“Sorry”, Caleb mumbled, setting him free. “Why the hell are you trying to sneak up on me”? He questioned.

“What the hell are you talking about”? Matt retorted. “I called your name, and I think unlike your mate my scent is prominent enough” Matt retorted. Caleb tilted his head, wondering how the hell Matt found out about that given he was away for college. As if he read his mind, Matt said, “I heard from my parents. Apparently you two are headlines now”.

“That sounds about right” Caleb sighed and simply rolled his eyes.

“Wait, so all of it is true? Is he really a pureblooded Alpha”? Matt asked enthusiastically. Caleb nodded at him in affirmation before he asked, “How long have you known that”?

“About a year,” Caleb shrugged.

“Wait, was he that pureblooded Alpha whose smell was all over the place when we ran into that injured wolf, I this his name was Sebastian”.


“Yeah”. Caleb nodded.

“So is it true this time? That he is your mate? Or are you trying to fool everyone once more”? Matt asked to which Caleb affirmed that this time it was for real “Tell me everything, spare no details”! Matt insisted. Giving up on actually continuing his search Caleb confided in him. Since Matt already knew his omega secret, and was someone whom he called friend he didn’t see the point in bending the truth.

By the time he was done, shock mixed with a tinge of anger overtook his face, “Wait a minute. So Ashton, whom you barely knew at that time knew about your secret, and me, who had been your friends for over a decade, didn’t”? Matt was clearly offended by this tiny, easily missed, detail.

“It’s not like I told him on purpose, he just happened to find out. Just like you did. Never would I ever tell anyone about my true identity on purpose” Caleb declared.

“Yeah , Yeah, you don’t have to make excuses. I knew you were crushing on him for a long time. The way you were so protective of him, I can’t believe it took you so long to figure out your own feelings”. Matt shook his head at Caleb’s unbelievable behaviour. “I have known you so for long, I knew I didn’t get it wrong when I thought you had feelings for him”.

“It’s not like you know everything. For a decade you thought I was an Alpha” Caleb retorted followed by a sassy smirk, which in turn made Matt’s proud smile disappear from his face. “But seriously? Why are you back? Don’t you have like... classes or something”?

“Well, I am taking two days off, and that plus weekend I have enough time to visit home. My mom sent me stuff, but boy did she get them wrong. So I finally managed to make some time and come and get them by myself”. Matt sighed with frustration. “Also, I didn’t want to miss the celebrations”.

“College is hard eh”? Caleb snorted.

“You have no idea...” Matt began and explained all the boring routines that he had to follow and how everyone treated the juniors as if they were free slaves or something. Caleb regretted not making it to the college, but somehow the hectic schedule made him feel a bit jealous instead of relieved. Did he actually wish he could have continued with his studies? He wondered.

“How about the living arrangements”? Caleb asked. He was quite engrossed in the story and for some reason he wanted to know more.

“Well, I live in the dorm. Did you know that we have a wolf warden? That’s right, a beta. Since many wolves visit there from time to time he makes sure the quarters are separate. Humans are given a whole different building than the wolves, and even in wolves they separate the three ranks” Matt finished earning an amazed expression from Caleb.

“Damn, now I feel like going. If only I didn’t hide my real identity I could have easily gone there and stayed away from the Alphas”. Caleb snorted.

“Why don’t you go as a human”? Matt suggested.

“What”? Caleb looked at Matt as if he was crazy.

“You told me that due to Ashton’s mark you have no scent. What if you pretended to be a human, like Ashton did here”? Matt proposed.

“Nice idea, but you see there is a major loophole” Caleb took a deep breath, “Many of our wolves go there, they are bound to recognize me, as a leader, as an alpha from our pack. How do you think I should explain to them that suddenly my wolf form vanished and I turned into a human”?

Matt who realised what he missed nodded his head, “Right. Well, I was just saying, man. I don’t want you to feel left out” Matt patted his arm in pity.

Caleb eyed his actions suspiciously before asking, “What’s wrong”?

“What do you mean”?

“You are not this nice to me. For some reason you care more this time, if I accompany you to the college or not” Caleb pointed out.

“Nooooo” Matt declared, clearing his throat, obviously failing at trying to make his no sound believable.

“Are you lonely? Did you actually miss me”? Caleb smirked, when the expression on Matt’s face confirmed his suspicion.

“Why would I miss you”? You were nothing but annoying”. Matt retorted, clearly not convincing anyone in the process.

“Yeah right. If it weren’t for me you would have been kicked out of school before you graduated”! Caleb scoffed. “What? Are you having trouble making friends or something”?

“Well, as you know, there were only two people who could tolerate me. One turned out to be stone cold witch and died and the other one decided to take on pack duties and abandon me”. Matt snickered.

“Wow”, Caleb was totally digging his friend’s misery, especially when his cause of misery was Caleb’s absence.

“Nevermind” Matt tried to change the subject. “What are you doing here”?

“You know how Ashton was exposed”? Matt nodded at Caleb’s question. “This was where the pics were taken. I am trying to see if I can find anything about it” Caleb sighed.

“Any luck so far” Matt asked Caleb. Caleb shook his head before taking a look around him, frustrated.

“What about you? Why the hell are you here? You knew about this place”? Caleb asked skeptically.

“What? No” Matt snorted. “I was on my way home, and I saw you. It’s closer to the bus stand” Matt pointed at the distance. “Do you want some help”? Matt suggested.

“Sure” Caleb shrugged, allowing him to join in. They stayed for almost a few hours while they searched. Caleb even went inside to see if the advantage of height could give him any clue. He didn’t let Matt inside of course, for some reason that thought annoyed him. He was the only one in his pack who had been inside Ashton’s house and he would like to keep it that way, even if Ashton didn’t live here anymore.

“Did you find anything”? Caleb shouted from the window when he saw a tired Matt sitting on a piece of log.

Matt looked up and replied, “I can’t anymore. I travelled for five hours today, and spent almost four hours here. I need to rest.” In a very exhausted manner Matt replied.

Caleb realising that they overworked themselves, decided to take his friend for a treat, however having spent most of the day in the sun, Matt wasn’t feeling up to it. He simply wanted to go home and take a long, long nap.

On their way Caleb noticed a figure approaching them, which turned out to be none other than Ashton. His face had a tiny smile, that is until he saw Matt behind him. On one hand there was a time when he found him bothersome. But having taken his position in the team he understood why Matt was so cranky all the time.

On the other hand, he felt a bit possessive of Caleb. Despite knowing that Matt and Caleb were nothing but friends, he felt irritated by their closeness. Damn, this mate bond was making him feel all those things he hated to feel. How long before it screwed up his sanity? He wondered.

Caleb smiled on noticing Ashton however Matt looked at him skeptically. Matt didn’t get along with Ashton in many circumstances, but now knowing that Ashton could kill him easily without breaking a sweat, Matt refrained himself from making any snarky comments. He however couldn’t stop himself from saying, “Would you stop rubbing in your romance in front of me! Way to make me feel more sad for being single”, when Caleb pecked Ashton’s lips taking both Ashton and Matt by surprise.

Caleb chuckled at Matt’s comment but Ashton simply glared at him. Noticing that glare he realised that maybe it was for the best he avoided this duo, and took his leave, leaving the happy couple all by themselves.

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