My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 137

He still had time to apply, so he simply decided to enjoy the college tour along with his brother who prompted him from his reverie, “You alright”?

“Yeah” Caleb breathed, trying to convince both himself and his brother.

“Sure? You seem to be second guessing”. Christian raised an eyebrow.

“This is a big decision, of course I am. This place is almost 12hours from home. If I go here full time I will barely get to...” he wanted to say ‘see Ashton’ but he didn’t want to sound like an ungrateful brother so he replaced that with a “see our family”.

“Yeah, the family who is yet to graduate high school” Christian who did guess about his brother correctly, scoffed.

“Whatever. Let’s just get on with it”. Caleb huffed and gathered along with everyone else at the start of the tour. The tour guide was yet to come so everyone else was busy either with talking to their family, or they were busy getting to know each other.


Caleb wasn’t planning on friendships yet, so he was relieved when the tour guide showed up. Starting from the gate, the tour guide gave a brief introduction of this place, and it’s rich heritage. This place was known for many famous alumni which seemed to intrigue many of the visitors.

She showed everyone around, all the places that were assigned for particular stuff and then the places which are free to visit for everyone. Once they were done, Christian asked his brother. “So, what do you think”?

“It’s not bad,” Caleb admitted honestly. “If I were any other normal human being, I would love to take classes here”.

“But”? Chrstian sensing the train of thoughts raised his eyebrows.

“Well, what if I decide to do this and I end up regretting it”? Caleb voiced his concern.

“What if you don’t? And all of this works out”? Christian suggested, earning an exasperated sigh from Caleb. “Look, I know it’s a big decision. But it’s okay to make a few wrong choices in your life. If it ends up you don’t fit in, I will come and get you out of here”.

Caleb ended up laughing at his Brother’s words, “What am I? Four? You need to rescue me from school”.

“Well, my baby brother sure is being a baby about it, so why not”. Christian played along earning a momentary glare. “Did you talk to Ashton about it? About how you feel? Do you have any idea how he feels about this whole thing”? Christian asked with a serious tone once the joking environment passed.

Caleb nodded slowly before he said, “I mean, I only asked him for his opinion. For someone who claims to be possessive, I was surprised when he blurted ‘Go for it’ the moment I popped the question”. Caleb confessed with much distaste. “I wasn’t sure whether to be glad or offended”. He scowled.

“Maybe he is just saying that. You know, because he thinks you want to come here”? Christian suggested.

“I guess. When I told him about this place he did seem tense until I explained why I chose this place. It’s farther away from any wolf packs, it’s mostly for humans so it would be easier to blend in for me without getting in trouble”. Caleb shrugged.

“Seems perfect”. Christian shrugged.

“Yeah, but...” Caleb sighed. “I barely know anyone here. Which is exactly what I planned for but... it’s still scary. Never have I ever had to deal with such such a huge change. I grew up with the same set of people and even though our friendships changed, they were still the same people.” He explained.

“So, you are worried you would get lonely”? Christian asked carefully.

Caleb shrugged. “Happened to Matt”.

“And now he is barely home because he got a new girlfriend.” His brother pointed out. “I mean you surely have a mate so the same won’t happen to you, but who knows? You might end up meeting some awesome new people here.” Christian said softly.

“I guess”, Caleb smiled and mumbled, “Thanks”. Even though his dilemma was still there, he did better. Sharing his worries indeed helped, instead he felt silly for bottling them up.

“Caleb”? A high pitched familiar voice called him out.

Caleb looked around frantically until he saw the person he was looking for, “Karolyn”? He smiled. “What are you doing here”. He approached her and asked her.

“What do you mean? I go to this college. What about you”? She asked enthusiastically. She was indeed quite excited to see her old friend after such a long time.

“I am thinking about coming here”. Caleb admitted. “Wait, there are other...” he looked around before lowering his voice. “...wolves here”?

“If there were, I won’t be here.” Karolyn mumbled. “Don’t get me wrong, I love all the pack sentiment and all, but damn do they take up all your time. I don’t want my academics to suffer because of it.” She declared.

“Such a nerd”, Caleb teased while Karolyn shot him a pretend glare before both of them ended up chuckling.

“Well, speaking of academics, I have to head out now. Let me know if you join, I can help you around if needed” she smiled and disappeared.

“Well, it seems like you do know someone here, after all”. Chrsistian who observed their entire interaction snorted.

“I guess” Caleb, much calmer than before smiled. “I think I might come here.” He declared before taking a leave.

Due to their long journey they were supposed to spend the night here. After the hectic day and dinner when it was finally time to fall asleep there were two things that kept Caleb awake. First was his brother’s way to loud snoring from the bed on the other side of the room.

Secondly, it’s because he missed his mate. For the past few months he had gotten used to being close to his mate, with Ashton living together. Not that he would admit easily but he did kind of get attached to Ashton. As a mate it was a given thing, but he wondered if one night apart drove him crazy, then how would he spend weeks in his college.

He was deep in his thoughts when he heard someone in his head which brought a smile to his face [You awake?]

[Yeah. Why are you awake though? It’s 1 o’clock.] Caleb asked him back.

[Just, wanted to know. How today went?] Ashton clarified. [Did you like that place?]

[I did actually. It’s great] Caleb informed. Despite his worries he had to admit he was charmed by this college.

[Then... will you move next year?] Ashton asked, reluctantly.

[If I get in, sure. This place has a lot of suitors] Caleb chuckled in his head. [Why? Do you not want me to go?]

[No!] Ashton exclaimed. [I mean, no I want you to go]. He explained.

[Well, when you graduate you can come and join me] Caleb suggested. A part of him wanted for Ashton to hold him back, but he didn’t want to come off as too needy so he held back.

[Will do!] Ashton replied. [You can be the one to give me a campus tour] he added.

[Then maybe you should work on your scholastics.] Caleb chuckled.

[I am sure Captain of the football team whose team didn’t miss a single trophy sounds good on the application.] Ashton suggested with smug.

[Don’t get too cocky, you still have the finals left] Caleb scolded him playfully.

Such playful teasing words were exchanged more or less for the entire night. He was so immersed in his conversation that he didn’t realise how long they were talking until the sun peeked inside the room through the narrow slit of the curtains.

He was surprised that he managed to pull an all nighter just for talking. He was more surprised that so did Ashton. That guy was bad at staying up all night, and yet Caleb wondered how Ashton wasn’t asleep yet.

[It’s morning already, don’t you have to sleep?] Caleb asked his mate.

[Meh. Today is Saturday, I will sleep in the whole day] Ashton shrugged it off. [See you soon] he mumbled and let go of the link.

Caleb tried to drift off himself as well, but in no less than twenty minutes his brother shook him violently enough to wake up a dead man. “What do you want”!? Caleb shouted at his brother.

“You can sleep in the car, but we really need to get going”. Christian declared. After a tiny tug of war with the blanket Caleb finally freshened up with reluctance and frustration until they hit the road. Caleb took the backseat where once more he drifted off to sleep.

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