18 [Bonus Chapter] | Chapter 0018

My head hit the boulder that Zultan was sitting on just a few moments ago, and a splitting pain hit my head.

\'Ugh.. they didn\'t have to make the pain so realistic, did they?\'

The insane amount of pain, even with pain calibrators set to just around 40%, was absolutely terrifying.

"Hahahaha! Look at this maggot. Last time, I let this resurrecting piece of shit die too easily, that\'s why he had the gals to ruin my precious teeth. This time I\'ll make it so that you beg for mercy, fucking bitch!"

Zultan said with red eyes and an infinite amount of anger running through his face. He, the great prince of the southern tribe of orcs, was rendered to a mere general position due to his imperfect teeth.

The requirements for one to ascend as the leader of the southern tribe orcs and get to the throne was to be brave, have many war merits, have many subordinates and perfect teeth. Amongst the many children of the current leader of southern tribe orcs, Zultan was an exceptional one.

Not only did he possessed brute power necessary for a leader, but also he had the subordinates to back his influence. Everything was going well for him until one day, a human cockroach who refused to die took one of his teeth from him.

[A/N - NPCs refer to the players as resurrectors/cockroaches and many such nicknames due to the players ability to resurrect even after dying.]

Zultan, who was guardless in front of the human trash, considering him weak and just a means of entertainment, wasn\'t expecting the sudden attack on his face, making him unable to avoid it, and making him lose one of his precious canines.

He still remembered the humiliation that he felt that day, the humiliation that he still faces after losing his right to become the leader of the orcs, the looks of contempt from his brothers, and the unimaginable amount of shame that he felt at himself. It was all too clearly ingrained in his memory.

That day, he couldn\'t control his emotion after losing his pride-worthy tooth and ended up killing the cockroach, giving him an easy death. This time, he wanted to let him suffer, so much that he begs to be killed again and again without getting his wish fulfilled.


Looking at my bleeding and haggard face, Zultan couldn\'t help but chuckle.

"See this ugly son of a bitch. See what his face has become after just taking a hit from my club."

He said, trying to mock me and sound cool in front of his orc gang.

Even with blood and sweat running through my body, with barely any stamina to even look up, I looked at him and chuckled, while gathering some strength to speak.

"I am sure it\'s still more handsome than you, or did you forget about your precious teeth?"

I let out a dry laugh, although I was in no position to be mocking him, I also didn\'t find it feasible to just let him get the best of me without suffering anything.

Hearing my words, Zultan\'s face contorted in fury as he grabbed my hair with his greenish-gray and burly hand, as he slammed my face into the ground.

My head felt as if it would break as dust and blood covered the right side of my face.

"What did you say, you fucking son of gnome?"

He asked as he looked around at the reactions of his gangmates. He didn\'t want them to think that he was a pushover, and for that to happen, he needed to teach me a lesson.

\'Keep dreaming son.\'

I chuckled inwardly. Trying to make me yield was the funniest thing one can think of doing, and this guy here, had crossed the boundary of being funny.

Although my level was lower than his, I had little to no chance of fighting him, there was no way I could just let him get away without any damage. Last time I took his teeth to damage his reputation, what made him think I can\'t do it again?

How naive.

Mustering some strength into my trembling lips, with blood and dust coming and going out of my mouth and nostrils by every breath I took, I resisted his hands crushing on my head, as I spit some of the blood on the ground.

"Look at you complaining about people\'s faces. I swear if I was born with your face, I would have already sued my parents."


Suppressed laughter echoed as every orc and even the lifeless players that were captured earlier couldn\'t control their chuckles.

Looking at everyone\'s faces laughing at him, Zultan\'s anger soared through the roof as he shouted.

"What are you laughing at fuckers? You think my face is funny? Have you ever seen your own faces? Son of dwarven whores."

All the orcs visibly frowned at the blatant contempt. Zultan used to be a charming and powerful leader to Gomchul and the other orcs, but ever since he lost his tooth, he had become an ignorant leader who just thought about himself.

They were already taking a risk by invading the human forest for some princess that he wanted to cure. He had become a person who only thought from his lower body and had fucked every prostitute in the southern orc tribe.

I looked at Zultan\'s own people clearly having a hard time dealing with him, and a plan started brewing inside my mind.

Straining my already swollen face, I said again.

"Stop acting like a smartass trying to blame your own people for your own incompetence. You do realise you\'re just an ass, not a smartass, don\'t you?"


The weird laughter of orcs resounded as they started laughing at Zultan again, while clearly trying to suppress their voices with their hands, so that they wouldn\'t be found out as the one that had laughed.

Although, one of the dense ones, who was holding on to one of the female players, couldn\'t suppress his laughter as he laughed out loud.

I felt the grip around my head loosen and a small, yet weak smile krept on my face. Zultan swung his thorny club and hammered it down on the poor orc\'s face, once, twice, thrice, four times, five times, and it kept going on until the orc turned into particles of dust as he died.

Zultan turned around, with sprinkles of dark red blood staining his body.

"Any more of you fuckers find something funny?"

He glared at everyone with furious eyes as he commanded the orcs.

"Kill the other insects, leave this fucker to me."

As he turned around, I could see that the redhead had started fighting. Not only was he fighting, but also he was saving the other players from the orcs. It came as a surprise to me how he could handle so many orcs at once. After his way of speech, I had thought he was just a dumb guy with eighth grader syndrome.

But that didn\'t seem to be the case as he used his red sword to sweep through the orcs who were trying to kill the other players.

"Fuck, what are you watching you fucker? Go and kill him! Are you waiting for everyone to die first?"

Zultan shouted at Gomchul, who immediately took out his crude longsword and started contending with the redhead.

\'Well, there goes my plan, down in the gutter.\'

I was thinking of somehow letting the orcs turn against their gang leader but I had underestimated the amount of fear and authority that Zultan had over the orcs.

Zultan picked me up with one of his hands as if he was picking up a cloth that had fallen on the ground. Turning my head towards his fearsome face, so upclose that I could feel his stinky breath again, he asked with an ugly face.

"You think you\'re funny, huh? You- you- you maggot!"

Trying to come up with an insult, all that came out of his mouth was the same word that he had been repeating continuously from his limited vocabulary.

This time, I was sure I was not going to survive, and hence I decided to leave a stigma so deep in his life that he would never forget my face. (Although I had already left a pretty deep one with the tooth.)

"Heh, Jerk. I am not funny, your existence itself is. I am just revealing what everyone has in their mind."


This time, Gomchul, the veteran at concealing his laughter, failed to hide it, along with 69 others.

"You fucktards!!"

"Sorry, Sir Lord."

Gomchul said as he ran towards the redhead. The redhead was finally slowing down, especially since the orcs\' number were in the tens while he was the only one fighting. After Gomchul joined, the tide started to turn around until finally, the redhead can\'t hold any longer.

"I-i… kuh… I am deeply sorry for my failure, brethren. We shall reunite in heaven!"

Even Zultan\'s hands, which were holding me, trembled from the last words of the redhead. As the redhead turned into particles of light, the others who had suddenly regained hope of not losing a life soon followed after him.

"I\'ll deal with you fuckers later, this cockroach has lived too long. He needs to fucking perish."

Zultan said as he threw me on the ground and aimed his thorny club at my head.

"Say your last words, maggot."

I chuckled hearing that, both he and I knew I wasn\'t going to die permanently, but since he wanted me to play along so badly, I would let him have it.

"Tell the government that they lost my vote."

Zultan again looked confused as he just gave a look as if he couldn\'t be bothered anymore. A heavy and pointy club hit my head, sending jolts of pain all over my body as I got a notification.

[You died.]

[A legend can take rebirth immediately after death, with 10% of their total health. You\'ll be revived in 3 seconds.]

[You won\'t lose any experience or items due to rebirth.]

[Rebirth is on cooldown, if you die again within 24 hours, it will be counted as a death and you\'ll be penalized.]



2ch/d from tomorrow. It will continue for next week too if you can finish this week\'s new target!

224 Power Stones! Yes. 224.

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